How to get a patent for a new solution and who can be helpful?

Nowadays, when men invent new things and solutions in almost every field of knowLEDge, it is important to prove that this particular thing was first created by this inventor.

In order to achieve that, a number of procedures have to be fulfilled. Luckily, nobody has to do it on their own.

When something brand-new is constructed, it is well worth to inform the society not just in one state, but in a broader area. There must exist a proof that it allows for some features that were never available beforehand. It is important especially in case if the invention is intended to be sold in international market. In the old continent, European patent attorneys are engaged into the process of patent obtaining. Who are these people? They are trained attorneys who passed a complex examination which is called European Qualifying Examination and have particular, specialistic knowledge. These attorneys serve in European countries and assist Enterprises in obtaining patents. They are able to evaluate if it is feasible to obtain a patent for this particular solution and they assist in preparation of documents needed. They are responsible for all deadlines, money charges and the contact with specific officials. Their job is challenging and not easy, but at the same time very interesting and innovative. Never-ending learning is for sure a vital part of this position.

Because of the rigorous testing of a given invention, getting the patent is difficult. Nevertheless, with the help of qualified attorney, the proper documents can be quickly put together and the total process is significantly easier.