One of the cities which your parents will certainly love is Ljubljana. This marvelous city is often called the second Prague, because of its amazing architecture. Nevertheless, it is much less busy thus all of those marvelous spots and buildings can be seen with no lines (discover more). Additionally, even though you will most possibly begin such trip from the capital city (as there are many cheap flights to Ljubljana), there are also many other places which worth to see in Slovenia. For instance, in this small country you can see charming Alps and charming lake. And all of it is placed in less than two hours journey from Lubljana. Doesn’t it sound wonderful? Your parents will surely love it!

Other destination which might be a good idea for a trip with beloved parents is Chicago. The generation of our parents extremely often perceives America as a rich and unavailable place. Actually, this makes sense if we realize that most of people in parens’ generation were travelling to Chicago not as tourists, but in case to find an employment.